Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Best Friend

Hi everyone. This' my first post. I want post about best friend. Very broad meaning friends interpreting one by one, some interpret friend is someone who can keep a secret among friends even when friendship is experiencing backlash, some of which imply that the companion is someone who can provide support, enthusiasm and lead counsel , and so much more meaning friends according to their personal one.
I think everyone would have a friend right? It same with me, I have best friends too. My best friends aren't perfect, but they make my life perfect. In the unlikely best friendship will always be a good relationship,but it will not make the best friendship broke up.
this' me with my best friend, her name's Echa. My best friend is not only her, but she's the best. We've ever hostile.
I don't now what else I want to write. so remember "the friendship never ends"

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